About Us


Positive Discipline & Peace Education

The word "discipline" is derived from "disciple", which means teacher. Therefore, the purpose of disciplining is to teach the child acceptable ways to handle various situations. Even a very young child can understand the cause and effect of his/her actions.

We at Briarwood Preschool recognize the dignity and worth of every human being within our childcare. We want the children to develop a positive self-image and respect for themselves, others and the environment. We believe that by treating the children with fairness and respect, they will react in kind.

The goal of discipline is to help a child change his/her behavior from negative to positive. Redirection is most often used to redirect their activity in order to help a child with this process.

Adults in the daycare classroom model a positive, caring attitude at all times. When problems arise with one or more children, the adult will encourage the child or children to talk about it and find solutions peacefully. If one child hurts another, the first child may be momentarily removed from the situation, while the adults check to see that the hurt child is all right. Then the adult will return to the first child and discuss the problem(s) and look for a more appropriate solution. We find that young children do not have the words to express their feelings, and this frustration is often what leads to conflict.

If the child becomes a danger to himself or other individuals at the preschool, Briarwood Daycare reserves the right to remove the child until the appropriate procedures can be implemented.

If a child repeatedly does not respond to discipline used at childcare center, the parent will be contacted and asked to come in for a conference. Parents and the preschool will devise a consistent discipline plan for use at home and in school. A time-line of 30 days will be set at this conference, after which, parents and Briarwood childcare will meet again to review the child's progress.

The philosophy of the preschool is based on love and respect. We believe that the adults must be models of the behavior they wish to elicit from the children and others, and must show respect for the child and others at all times. Therefore, any abuse of the child, and/or others, verbal, psychological, or physical is prohibited. It is the policy of our daycare staff never to use or threaten to use any physical punishment. Verbal abuse is never permitted.

Abuse/Neglect Mandated Reporting: The childcare staff at Briarwood is required, by Maine State Law and licensing regulations, to report immediately, to the police or Department of Human Services any instance when there is reason to suspect the occurrence of physical, sexual, or emotional abuse, or child neglect or exploitation.